Friday, February 20, 2009

King who lose his country....

It has been so long since I published my old post before these two post today. Hmmm I already got new job. Hmm really challenging, need to deal with small kids. Small kids??? Quite big actually. Hmm  the big problem is that I don't really good in my own field??? Can we conquer our own field when we are not the expert??? Bet I will lose it to others good and better person. Er I mean, a suitable and compatible person with my field. A king who cannot control the field will lose to other conquerer or other king. huhuhu, I don't mind if I got another wonderful job. But, since I don't have another job that suitable with me, better I stay here. I got problem with my language, I not the expert with English Language.


Oh my God!!! I forgot my password for my other blog. If my computer got problem, I will lose my own blog. Hope it will never happened lah. But luckily I remember my password in this blog. I've tried hundred times to enter my gmail account but still can't. What number phone I have used before this??? I just have 2 number phone and 1 for my old home number. I have tried all of these number but still can't. huhuhu, I need to excess to my gmail account to get something. Or I pretend  to get something. What's going on with my mind??? Always forgot about small things errr even biggest and important things.